Sophie Tan

Sophie Tan


I am a hermit crab that enjoys playing video games, biology, and writing. Writing is a way of escapism, and it’s therapeutic for me. This story, being my first proper story I wrote, is, looking back, a story about growing up as a person. It’s about realising what you want may not be what you need; there’s always a hidden story behind everything.

Books by Sophie Tan

Artificial FireThe world is in a state of turmoil where robberies and murders are ways for getting money. The other method is to become a mutant and serve the government, the one sucking away all the money. Amongst all these mutants, 1-906 is the only Generation 1 model. She does not remember who she is. Is Relar Drea, the man she has to take down, her way of finding out about her past? Read to find out!


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