Soh Zhao Yi

Soh Zhao Yi


I am Soh Zhao Yi from Bukit Panjang Primary School and I am twelve years old now. I began writing the story, “Curse of the Spider King”, when I was eleven years old. I love writing because it helps me to expand my creativity. Reading a story is just like watching a movie played out. I love reading books on various genres, like Mystery and Adventure, some that contain mystical creatures and characters. Whenever I read a story, I always dream of becoming an author so that I am able to dictate the plot and finale of the story. Young Author Scheme was recommended by my teachers and I really enjoyed it! Through the lessons, I was able to plan out and write this story and it was quite a fun achievement.

Books by Soh Zhao Yi

Curse of the Spider King When I killed a spider during Halloween, I find myself being cursed by it. He told me to complete this mission for him by recovering four parts of the skull before he could stop cursing me. However, on theway, I faced dangers, many dangers that almost led me to death. Would I recover the four pieces of the skull?


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