Olivia Chow

Olivia Chow


I’m a 15-year-old with a love for books and movies. I love analysing fashion in films and writing short stories!My love for writing began when I was young. I hated learning English at that time but under the enlightenment of my parents and a kindergarten teacher, I started taking up an interest in reading and writing. I’ve never thought of publishing my or joining writing competitions until now. The Young Arthur Scheme helps encourage young writers to craft their own stories of any genres and enter it into the Asia Young Author Award, under the guidance of author Catherine Khoo. Those who are shortlisted get their stories published!

Books by Olivia Chow

When Eugenia’s 8-year-old brother Charlie goes missing one summer day, she sets out to find him. Thus began a journey into Little Krisk, an imaginary place from Charlie’s made-up stories. There, she navigates the themes of friendship and independence while questioning the last threads of reality.


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