Gift Greeting Card 2


Gift Greeting Card 2

Gift Greeting Card 2

We can include a handwritten message on a premium-stock flat greeting card and include it with your item shipment. Just follow these simple steps!

1. Add ‘Greeting Card Add-On’ to your cart. Choose your design.

2. Type your message in the ‘Order Notes’ box in your shopping checkout page (please limit to 1-2 sentences) and include any names, please.

For using multiple shipping addresses, please indicate it as “This is a gift!”and Type your message in the ‘Card message’ box in individual item box.

3. Click the checkout button to proceed.


SKU: GIFT2 Category:
Product ID: 3840

Product Description

Gift Greeting Card 2

We can include a handwritten message on a premium-stock flat greeting card and include it with your item shipment. Just follow these simple steps!

1. Add ‘Greeting Card Add-On’ to your cart. Choose your design.

2. Type your message in the ‘Order Notes’ box in your shopping checkout page (please limit to 1-2 sentences) and include any names, please.

For using multiple shipping addresses, please indicate it as “This is a gift!”and Type your message in the ‘Card message’ box in individual item box.

3. Click the checkout button to proceed.

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