Destiny Janelle F. Pimentel

Destiny Janelle F. Pimentel


I’m Destiny Janelle F. Pimentel, 14 years old, a grade 9 student from Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College. As an animal lover, I’m against animal cruelty. This became my inspiration in writing Animalandia last July 2020 during the Young Author Award’s 4-Day Online Workshop and Competition in the Philippines.

I started writing stories when I was 10 years old. Back then, I read stories about love since it’s popular among my classmates and friends. During those times, tons of plot ideas were coming in my mind even though I’m just sitting in class. Unfortunately, I can’t continue writing since I don’t know how to turn my ideas into a story. That’s why I’m thankful for the Young Author scheme as it helped me conquer my battles in writing. As of now, I join groups related to writing, hoping to learn more, help the other aspiring authors, and improve my stories.

Books by Destiny Janelle F. Pimentel

AnimalandiaWhen Vala Morgan, a girl who magically woke up as a cat, explores a new world called Animalandia, she battles with her own beliefs as she sees the dark side of the world.


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