Heng Yee Cun

Heng Yee Cun


The Young Author Scheme is an inspiring workshop that built confidence in me. It helped me learn more about writing stories and taught me the basic skills of writing.

I like writing as it calms me down sometimes and helps me reflect better. Writing makes me think of the happy moments of my life as I run through the memories and experiences in my mind. When I think about how to write my story, many emotions will run through my mind.

The person who inspired me to want to be an author was my brother. After he entered secondary school, I continued my dreams until I had the chance to go to the Young Author Scheme. Being shortlisted for the Young Author Awards, I gained more confidence in myself.

Books by Heng Yee Cun

Precious People Around UsIt was the first day of being in Primary Four! Kelly was bullied severely by the school’s top bullies. One day, she stood up for herself. But what made her do that was her mother’s death! Join Kelly and her best friend, Ashley, in this adventure.


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