Iman Qistina Putri Shahrin

Iman Qistina Putri Shahrin


Hi there! My experience in writing this book was so much fun. I was actually behind time while all my friends were already ahead of me. I was behind time because I did not attend the first few classes due to me being busy with my CCA. All my friends were already at Chapter Three of their stories while I was only at Chapter One of my story.

At that point of time, I had to think of a story to write and I decided to write about something related to fantasy. I then titled the book, A DREAM COME TRUE. It was quite hard writing this book but I also had fun because I got the experience of how writers write their own book. The class/course I attended was enjoyable because not only did we get to play some mini games, we also won prizes after that.

Before my teacher chose me to go for this course, I was already a bookworm. Reading books was one of my hobbies and it still is. The Junior Young Author Scheme teachers were all really friendly and kind. They gave us motivation and told us not to give up no matter what. It was very inspiring.

If I had a chance to attend this course again, I would not push the opportunity away because it is a really enjoyable and knowledgeable course to be in! Hope you enjoy reading A DREAM COME TRUE!

Books by Iman Qistina Putri Shahrin

A Dream Come TrueZoella wanted to be a fast runner, just like her brother Joe. Joe used to be faster than Zoella until one day, she was finally faster than him. How did Zoella become faster than Joe? What did she do that made her faster than him? I know that you are curious, so come and read this book. My main characters are Zoella and Marcus.


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