Kimberly Co

Kimberly Co


My name is Kimberly Co. I’m 15 years old. I like to read and write. I also enjoy playing bowling and badminton with my family. I’m also interested in Philosophy.

The Young Author Scheme has opened opportunities for me and my work, and I’m simply thankful for the people behind the program and competition. For those who believed in me and my story, for Miss Catherine Khoo for coaching me in our mentoring session and helped me think things through with my revisions, and for those who arranged all this. I honestly never thought I had a chance at all. My relationship with writing has blossomed even more because of this writing program, which has rewritten my author journey. It is an experience I will hold onto for the rest of my life.

Books by Kimberly Co

In a war-torn country, Hiraya attempts to make sense of her new reality, as the world she once knew is ripped apart. However, when she stumbles across an old friend, the two must work through past hurt and the tension that stands between them and learn to live together in order to survive.


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