Rishayla Corpuz

Rishayla Corpuz


I am Rishayla Corpuz, born on the 22nd of February. I’m 14 years old and study at Miriam College Highschool, Philippine. I spend my free time drawing, writing and indulging myself in video games.

In all honesty, I am very much new to the Young Author Scheme. I originally didn’t know that being an author or having writing as a hobby would be difficult. It seemed rather terrifying to me. The concept of having to get a contract and hearing the opinions of others scared me. I love writing because it is the only way I can truly encapsulate my emotions. To express in such poetic ways that people don’t laugh at, to write merely for myself. That is why I started writing. Writing, in a way, is stressful, therapeutic, and lastly, incredibly satisfying.

Books by Rishayla Corpuz

A murder had taken place in Metro Manila on late January. The body was found on the center of the road. Mysteriously, the person who found the body disappeared. Those who were involved directly in the case have disappeared along with him as well.
It is up to Alicia Patrimonio to solve the case and bring justice to the victim.
Will she be able to contain her sanity for the sake of justice?


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