Jayden Han

Jayden Han


A big warm hello to everyone! I am a 10-year-old young writer, Jayden. I have learnt a lot about the history of China and I really like to watch movies on teleporting back to ancient China. This has given me the inspiration for my story.
My love of writing started when I read the book entitled Wings of Fire, which brought me into a world that is totally different from reality. At that point I finished reading the book, I was determined to write fascinating books like this one. With my writing, I can bring my little readers into my own world, imagine things creatively, and have a climax and solution to every problem in my imaginary world. Just imagine it, everyday you go home, the only thing you want to do is writing. The stories you write become alive and bring you into mysterious worlds where people ride on dragons, mythical sea creatures attacking, or even the cutest unicorn being rescued by a boy. You literally can write about anything!

Books by Jayden Han

Beyond the WorldThe annual Tang Dynasty Cultural Relics Exhibition is coming! Jasper and Henry found a strange painting of the Tang dynasty and wanted to find out more about it. They went to the exhibition and were teleported to the Tang dynasty. They faced a lot of mysterious adventures. Will they make it through all the problems and eventually be teleported back to the real world?


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